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DocsPlatformError Replay

Error Replay

Stellate Error Replay is a easy to use but advanced feature that enables you to recreate and analyze errors effectively, which is key for debugging and resolving issues. The Stellate Dashboard Errors page automatically defaults to grouping errors by Error Code and shows the operation that triggered the error and the error path. This error aggregation provides insights into error volume for a given time frame. Adding to these capabilities, Error Replay enhances your ability to do error analysis by providing:

Error Recreation

You can toggle Error Replay on and off and recreate specific errors to understand the error in greater detail to more readily trace the sources of your errors and for quicker debugging.

Pinpoint Debugging

By allowing you to recreate errors, Error Replay makes it easier for you to pinpoint error and make informed debugging decisions. With Error Replay you can debug errors with confidence, and fix issues promptly.

Data Safety and Security

Error Replay prioritizes the safety and security of your data, as follows:

  • Error Replay requires opt-in; we do not and have never stored request variables by default
  • Mutations cannot be replayed
  • Variables are automatically purged after 24 hours from error-events
  • Scoped queries - queries that typically contain authentication data - are not supported

These measure may limit some potential use cases, however the safety of your data is our primary concern.

Before You Begin

Before using Stellate Error Replay:

  • Ensure that error paths and error codes are properly configured within your GraphQL schema. Familiarize yourself with the GraphQLError structure and how to interpret error messages for effective error management. For more information, see Add Error Codes in the Error Tracking topic,
  • Read the Error Tracking topic to understand how to display the Error Details pages.

Display Errors in the Dashboard

When you become away of an error through the Stellate Dashboard or an error notification, you can begin your error analysis. Read the Error Tracking topic to get started understanding the error analysis process. Once alerted, you can walk through the error analysis process to analyze the query output and error details:

  1. Click on Stellate Services > Service > Errors in the left sidebar to review the Error Event page to see the error query and aggregated errors by error code.
  2. Click on one of the Error Codes, error Paths, or other column items below the graph to view the first error detail panel and start using Error Replay.

Click Errors to see error page

Analyze GraphQL Errors with Error Replay

To use Error Replay for analyzing and recreating errors:

  1. If you have not configured Error Replay, your detail panel shows the Configure Error Replay button in the upper right. Click the button and click the toggle on to enable Error Replay. Error Replay requires that you opt in to use it. Then return to your Details panel.

To turn off Error Replay for a service, go to Service > Config > Errors and set the Error Replay toggle to off.

Configure Error Replay

  1. In the Details error panel, click the Timestamp, Path, or Client/Version of the error you want to recreate.

Check the small icon in the Timestamp column. You can click on that icon to also show the Replay Error panel.

Click Timestamp to see detail panel

  1. Click the Replay Error button or icon to display the two query panels.

Click Error Replay button

  1. Click the Replay button in the left panel (upper right corner) to rerun the query to see the details of the error in the right panel. In the following example, you can see the "errors" : entry and the error message.

Click Replay to see two panel view

In the bottom right of the second panel, note the RequestID number. You can trace this number in your logging, as well, because Stellate passes this ID into the request-headers as gcdn-request-id. Click on the RequestID to copy and paste it, if you cannot see it. For more information about request-headers, read the Request Headers section in Stellate Headers.

  1. Identify the error and begin your error analysis and debugging. Error Replay gives you the unique ability to easily recreate errors in the moment.
Last updated on