Rate Limit by Specific Queries or Mutations

In many cases, you have certain mutations or queries that are more expensive than others. To account for that, we provide you with a helper called byField, which will create a few rate limiting rules for you.

import { Config } from 'stellate'
import { byField } from 'stellate/rate-limiting'

const config: Config = {
  config: {
    rateLimits: (req) => {
      return byField(req, {
        name: 'Limit queries and mutations',
        state: 'enabled',
        groupBy: 'ip',
        queryFields: {
          // Allow querying `products` 10 times per minute per consumer
          products: { budget: 10, window: '1m' },
          product: { budget: 10, window: '1m' },
        mutationFields: {
          // Only allow adding three products to the cart per five seconds
          addToCart: { budget: 3, window: '5s' },

export default config

This can be combined together with the baseline protection of limiting requests per second as well:

import { Config } from 'stellate'
import { byField } from 'stellate/rate-limiting'

const config: Config = {
  config: {
    rateLimits: (req) => [
      ...byField(req, {
        name: 'Limit queries and mutations',
        state: 'enabled',
        groupBy: 'ip',
        queryFields: {
          // Allow querying `products` 10 times per minute per consumer
          products: { budget: 10, window: '1m' },
          product: { budget: 10, window: '1m' },
        mutationFields: {
          // Only allow adding three products to the cart per second
          addToCart: { budget: 3, window: '1s' },
      // fall back to request count to make sure the consumer is not abusing the rest of the API
        name: 'IP limit',
        // Requests will be grouped by ip
        groupBy: 'ip',
        state: 'enabled',
        // Limit consumers that do more than 50 requests in the last 60 seconds
        limit: {
          type: 'RequestCount',
          window: '1m',
          budget: 50,

export default config