What's New in Docs

Check out new, updated, and revised Stellate documentation.

New Documentation for July 2024

We added a new Glossary to our Reference section and updated the Logging API with more information and links about metrics. To help get understand our products, we added About Edge Caching and About Rate Limiting topics.

New Documentation for May 2024

Partial Query Caching and @defer: The Stellate implementation of Partial Query Caching and GraphQL Defer (@defer) is designed to allow clients to deprioritize data that isn't essential for the client right away. This enables us to stream partial cache hits to the client immediately. Read about this exciting new feature in Partial Query Caching and Defer

Error Replay: In the life of code, errors happen. Now you get a chance for a do over. Stellate Error Replay is a easy to use but advanced feature that enables you to recreate and analyze errors effectively, which is key for debugging and resolving issues. Read about this new feature in Error Replay.

Error Tracking Update: The error tracking documentation was updated to reflect the changes required when we added the new Error Replay topic. Check out the streamlined version of Error Tracking.

Faceted Search: Stellate Faceted Search is a type of search filter that you can use to narrow down your search results quickly. Find out more about this cool feature in Faceted Search.

Schema Polling Stellate Schema Polling gives you the ability to update your schema changes. With the ease of clicking a synchronization button or setting a polling toggle, you can ensure that your schema has the most up-to-date information. To learn more, read Schema Polling.

Java Metrics Plugin The Stellate Plugin for GraphQL Java is a powerful tool designed to enhance the development experience by providing insights into the performance and usage of GraphQL queries within an application using GraphQL Java. Get started using the Java Metrics Plugin.

Notable Doc Changes:

  • The Stellate Depth Limiting topic has been archived. Read our Security Filter documentation for some information about depth limiting.
  • GraphQL Edge Caching Metrics was renamed to Caching Insights.

New Documentation for April 2024

New Docs Home page We have a new docs landing page at Stellate Docs! It gives you bold visual links to get to the information you need and provides a simple high-level map to the ecosystem of our technical content. Go see it.

User and Client Tracking: Stellate now features documentation for our new User Tracking and Client Tracking feature. Client tracking allows you to associate a specific client, such as iOS v12, with a request, including those that result in errors. This enables you to understand API usage across clients. User tracking enables you to view the user impact of an aggregated event.

CMD+K Switcher: Experience seamless navigation with the new CMD+K Switcher feature, allowing you to quickly search and access different parts of the Stellate dashboard with just a keyboard shortcut.

Ruby Metrics Plugin: Streamline your GraphQL Ruby API with the Stellate Ruby Metrics Plugin, offering easy installation and setup for improved metrics logging and schema management.

Strawberry Metrics Plugin: Integrate Stellate effortlessly into your Python-based GraphQL APIs with our newly launched Strawberry Plugin, simplifying metrics logging and schema syncing.

Error Tracking Enhancements: Enhance your error tracking capabilities with our updated Dashboard, now featuring error codes and paths for more precise debugging and analysis. Read about this new feature in Error Tracking

Field Search in Schema Explorer: Dive deep into your GraphQL schema with the Schema Explorer, providing detailed insights into the performance and usage of your types and fields.With Field Search, quickly locate and analyze specific fields within your schema.

Partial Query Caching Now Fully Launched!

We're thrilled to announce that Partial Query Caching (PQC) has officially graduated from Public Beta. This powerful feature allows you to automatically split your GraphQL queries at the edge, optimizing your caching strategy and significantly reducing infrastructure costs. Dive into our PQC documentation to learn how to leverage Partial Query Caching for your GraphQL API and deliver blazing-fast responses to your users.

New Documentation for March 2024

Persisted Operations - We make it easier to use persisted operations by providing documentation to help you generate your JSON files for Persisted Operations. Check out our quick take on tools you can use to generate the JSON files at Persisted Operations

New Documentation for February 2024

New GraphQL Security features

Persisted Operations: To bring caching and observability to POs, the Stellate CLI and API now support sending your Persisted Operations registry to Stellate. Stellate receives the persisted operation hashes, maintaining the desired security outcome without impeding performance and observability. Read the Persisted Operations documentation to learn more.

Security Filters: Stellate now includes documetation on our new Security Filters. With our other new features, the Security Filters will help you harden your GraphQL API so that you may continue to take advantage of GraphQL’s flexibility without sacrificing security. Check out our Edge Security Filter documentation.

New Schema Registry: Wondering what's going on in your graph? Schema Insights, Versions, and Explorer are here to help you understand & explore your graph, past and present - what’s used, what isn’t, and how each type and field is performing. Get to know Stellate's new Schema Registry by reading the Schema Registry documentation.

New Documentation for December 2023

Fusejs: Stellate Fusejs: The opinionated framework for creating typesafe data layers provides end-to-end typesafe data fetching for frontend teams at scale. Use Stellate Fuse.js to build a data layer that fetches data exactly how you need it.No more waiting for backend teams to update their APIs for you. Check out the Fuse.js website, the Fusejs documentation and the open source GitHub repository.

New Partial Query Caching: Learn how to use Stellate Partial Query Caching to split your queries and increase the volume of requests sent to caching, saving you infrastructure costs. Read the new Partial Query Caching documentation to find out more.

Cache Directives: With the release of cli version 2.7.0, we’re excited to introduce support for directive-based cache configuration. The stellate_cache directive enables you to define cache rules directly in your GraphQL schema. Read the new documetation on using Cache Directives to get started.