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How Airheart scaled to 500,000 travelers globally in less than 6 months with Stellate

The requests our origin has to handle dropped by more than 50% — we don't even notice traffic spikes anymore!

Ivan Vanderbyl

CPO & Co-Founder, Airheart


Faster p50 API response time


Less API traffic

Learn how Airheart scaled to 500,000 travelers globally in less than 6 months. Discover how they achieved this remarkable feat while keeping costs low. Airheart, a tool for collaboratively planning group travel itineraries, used Stellate's GraphQL Edge Caching to reduce their overall origin traffic by over 65%. With cache hit rates of up to 97% for complex queries, they slashed their infrastructure costs by about 40%. Not only that, but Airheart's 500,000+ users worldwide enjoyed lightning-fast response times of just 50ms, no matter where they were traveling.

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